Combo Price Validation
You can check the combo price of the grouped ISBN's present in the system. And, can approve/reject the requests for combo prices after checking the list of the ISBN's and their details.
Click on "Combo Price Validation" tab in the navigation bar to view combo price in the system.

You can search for the price by entering its details in the search field.

Or, you can click on dropdown icon for advance serach in which you are having more option to filter out list.

Click on "Search" button to search for the result.

Click on "Reset" button to reset the form values.

You can find all the combo price validations list in the table.

Click on "List of ISBN" button present in the "Action" column of the table to view to the list of ISBN's on which that combo price is suggested.

The system will open a popup where you can see all the ISBN's in the table.

You can download the list in excel or pdf format by clicking on "Excel" or "Pdf" button respectively. Also, you can print the list by clicking "Print" button.