

ReproWorks can be define in 14 steps which are as follows:

Step 1: Partner Onboarding

You can onboard new partners and their details in the system for futher use. Read More...

Step 2: Partner Details

You can save/edit the existing partner details and all the relevant information in the system for futher use. Read More...

Step 3: Import Partner Catalog

You can import metadata files in different format into the system. Read More...

Step 4: Search Catalog

You can search metadata files in the system after importing successfully. You can also check whether it is successfully ingected or not? Read More...

Step 5: Import Content for Catalog

You can import content file only by selecting "Content Ingestion" option in "Import File Type". Then, go to content vault to check its availability. Read More...

Step 6: Export Catalog for Channel

You can select export type i.e. Amazon, Flipkart or Custom in the Content Search screen. All all files related to particular channel will be displayed on th Import/Export screen. You can go to Import/Export screen, all the available option are present in the table. You can just click on the download icon on the respective column of the file. Read More...

Step 7: Collect Orders from Channel

You can check the orders list having details on the "Orders" page. You can click on refresh button which is connected with Vin eRetail to get the updated list of the orders or if you don't click on refresh button then also it update the orders list after every 15 minutes. Read More...

Step 8: Check Inventory (Fulfill Orders)

This will work on Vin eRetail to check inventory and update its status either "Open" or "Available". Or, you can set order status either "Confirmed" or "Partially Allocated". Read More...

Step 9: Send Content Request or Open Quantity

You can send content request for items with open quantity to the content source for example, Repro Vault or Ingram. By Open Quantity, we mean that we don't have published book for the order we have received and we put order status "Partially allocated" and asked for the content to content source. Read More...

Step 10: Check Content Request Status

You can check the status of the content request. Read More...

Step 11: Create Printlist for Content

You can generate list of the content with their specification which helps in printing. You can filter out the list in the table on the basis of Expected From/To Ship Date to generate printlist. Read More...

Step 12: Print Content (Offline)

User can check the excel sheet (out of the system) which was generated in the last step. Then, finds the content for the respective list and print them. Read More...

Step 13: Confirm Content Printing (Update Inventory)

User can scan books which were printed in the last step or put its ISBN No and Submit it. It will update the inventory and mark the book available for order. Read More...

Step 14: Fulfill Order

After inventory updation, the book is available to you to fulfill your order. Read More...