

You can view orders related details in the dashboard which are partner specific like total number of orders, pending orders, delivered orders and cancelled orders. Also, you can view the order performance graph and number of books added graph in last 1 year, 6 months, 1 month, 15 days or 7 days.

Click on "Dashboard" tab in the navigation bar to view orders details.

You can enter "Orders From" and "Orders To" date to filter out the Orders details.

Click on "Search" button to search orders accordingly.

Click on "Reset" button to reset the form fields.

You can view total, delivered, pending and cancelled orders in numbers.

You can view pending orders in table with their details like order number, channel, order amount, order created on, ship by date and status.

You can check content requests details in the table.

You can filter out the table denpending on cost by entering the values of "Cost From" and "Cost To" in the form fields.

Click on "Search" button to search to search the list based upon the entered values.

Click on"Reset" button to reset the form field's values.

You can view content requests in the table. Also, you can "Approve", "Reject" request by clicking on its particular row's "Action" column having "tick" mark to approve and "cross" mark to reject the request. Or, you can just "check" or "uncheck" checkbox of the particular row to approve or reject multiple request at at a time.

You can click on "Approve Selected" button to approve checked boxes multiple requests at a time.

You can also reject multiple requests at a time by just clicking on "Reject Selected" button.

You can view job related details like Job ID, Job Name, Job Title, Customer Name, Created on and Current Step in the dashboard.

You can also view orders performance in the graph format which means you can compare the rate of orders received whether it is decreased or inscreased in the last 7 days, 15 days, 1 month, 6 months and 1 year.

You can view how many books have been added in the last 7 days, 15 days, 1 month, 6 months and 1 year for publishing in graph format.