

You can generate different reports like User Action Logs, PO & POA, Content Request Status, Inbound/Outbound, etc through this tab only.

Click on "Reports" tab in the navigation bar to generate different types of reports.

Click on any report block to view its logs (details).

The system populates a screen where you can fill the fields on the basis of which you want to genegrate your reports.

Click on "Run Report" button to generate the report.

Click on "Reset" button to reset the form fields.

Click on the "File Import/Export" tab in the navigation bar to view the generated reports.

The systems populates a screen where you can find your report in the table on top row.

You can download it by clicking on download icon present in the "Action" column of the table.

The following reports are present in the system:

  • PO & POA: It gives you the purchase order and purchase order acknowledge details sent and received from Ingram.
  • Ingram PO: The report has Ingram purchase order details for export of PO details and metadata.
  • Scanned Books Printed: The report has data of the books which got scanned after printing by the production team in a print list.
  • Printlist Manually Marked Printed: It provides you the list of ISBNs which were marked printed forcefully on the selected dates or printlist number.
  • Channelwise Sales Report: It gives you the number of books sold by different channels between the selected dates.
  • Failed Content Request: The report has the details of the failed content requests on the basis of channels or between the selected dates.
  • Orders Force Inbounding: It generates the report having a list of orders inventory fulfill details of channels updated between the selected dates or particular order date or channelwise.
  • Domestic Partner Sales: It gives you the number of books sold by domestic partners between the selected dates.
  • International Partner Sales: It gives you the number of books sold by international partners between the selected dates.
  • Domestic ISBN Sales: It provides you the list of domestic ISBNs titled books sold between the selected dates.
  • International ISBN Sales: It provides you the list of international ISBNs titled books sold between the selected dates and order status.
  • Items Metadata: It provides you the metadata of the items in the orders placed between the selected dates.
  • PNL New Report: It provides you the details of Publisher compensation and Etail fee between selected dates or channelwise.
  • New Titles: The reports generated on the basis of new titles ingested in the system partnerwise or between selected dates.
  • Modified Titles: The reports generated on the basis of modified titles ingested in the system partnerwise or between selected dates.
  • Price Change Title: It generates reports on the basis of titles whose prices were changed between the selected dates or partnerwise.
  • Unavailable and Cancelled Titles: It generates the reports on the basis of unavailable and cancelled titles data between selected dates or partnerwise.
  • Order Detail Data: It provides you the details of the items in the order between selected dates, partnerwise, business unit or channelwise.
  • Publisher Compensation Report: It gives you the details of compensation per order received by Publisher between selected dates or publisher-wise.
  • Finance PNL Report: It provides you the detail of Publisher compensation and Etail fee between selected dates or channelwise.
  • Finance Compensation Report: It gives you the details of compensation received by the publisher for the orders that are shipped or returned between the selected dates or channelwise.
  • SRDP Sales Register: It provides you the invoices of the orders containing items between the selected dates.
  • Summary Compensation Report: The reports have invoices containing details like MRP, Quantity, Total Sales Price, Etail fees, etc.