
System Parameters

You can view/edit system metadata and system trigger's data using System Parameters like if you want to add/update "lamination" type, then search for it to edit existing one or add new one.

Click on "Masters" then "System Parameters" tab in the navigation bar manage system metadata and system parameter's data.

You can search for the system parameters by entering its details in the search field.

Or, you can click on dropdown icon for advance serach in which you are having more option to filter out list.

Click on "Search" button to search for the result.

Click on "Reset" button to reset the form values.

You can find system parameter's details in the table.

You can edit existing system parameter's details by just double clicking on its row.

The system populates a screen where you can find information of the system parameters.

You can also edit the information & assign/unassign roles, if you have "System Admin" role assigned.

Click on "Save" button to save the edited details of the system parameter.

Click on "Reset" button to reset the edited information.

Click on "Add New" button to add new system parameter in the system.

The system populates a screen where you have to fill the form for adding new user in the system.

Click on "Save" button to save the system parameter's details in the system.

Click on "Reset" button to reset the form fields.