
Partner Details

You can save/edit the existing partner details and all the relevant information in the system for futher use.

Click on "Masters" then "Partner" tab in the navigation bar to view/edit existing partner details.

You can view/edit details of the partner by double click on the particular row of the table.

You can add new location of the partner by entering its details. Then, click on "Add Location" to add location in the system.

Or, you can edit existing location by clicking on its particular row of the table. Then, edit them in the form and click on "Add Location" to save them again.

You can also add support contact details either repro member or partner. Then, click on "Add Contact" to add contact details in the system.

Or, you can edit existing support contact information by just clicking on its particular row of the table. Then, edit the information in the form and click on "Add Contact" button to again save them in the system.

Click on "Save" button to save all the details of the partner you have filled above.

Click on "Reset" button to reset all the details of the partner you have filled above.

Click on "Commercial" button if you want to see/create contracts with partners. It will redirect you to Partner Contract screen.

Click on "Create Vendor" button to create your partner as vendor in the system.

Click on "Partner Settings" button if you want to see/edit the partner details like partner name, code, display number, etc.

Click on "Add Bank Info" button if you want to add/edit bank related information of the partner in the system for payment purpose.