
Content Vault

You can view all the existing files or upload new content and preview them in the system.

Click on "Content Vault" tab in the navigation bar to check the availability of the file in the system.

You can search for the file by entering its details in the search field.

Or, you can click on dropdown icon for advance serach in which you are having more option to filter out list.

Click on "Search" button to search for the result.

Click on "Reset" button to reset the form values.

You can find file in the table if you have imported it successfully.

You can view existing file details by just double click on its row.

The system populates a screen where you can view uploaded content details, preview file and view the details of the person who has uploaded the content in the system.

Click on "Upload Content" button to upload new content (file) in the system.

The system populates a screen where you can upload new content, preview file and view the details of the person who has uploaded the content in the system.

You can enter the following fields and upload the files.

Click on "Reset" button to reset the form fields.

Click on "Upload" button to upload the various files with its details in the system.

Once you upload any file like cover file, text file, other file or thumbnail, then you can preview it on the right side in thier respective tabs.

Once you upload the the details in the system you can preview all its reletaed details also like File Type, Name, Created By, etc.

Click on "Excel" button to download the excel file of complete data present in table.

Click on "Pdf" button to download the content file in pdf format.

Click on "Print" button to make the content available for printing.

Click on "Download Missing Content" button to download the report of files in which some contents are missing.