
Inbound/Outbound Audit

You can view the list of the inbound/outbound which tells you about the books currently available in inventory or not.

Click on "Audit Logs" then "Inbound/Outbound Audit" tab in the navigation bar to view list of books with ISBN and other inbound/outbound related details.

You can search for the book by entering its details in the search field.

Or, you can click on dropdown icon for advance serach in which you are having more option to filter out list.

Click on "Search" button to search for the result.

Click on "Reset" button to reset the form values.

You can find inbound/outbound list in the table.

You can download the inbound/outbound details in excel or pdf format by clicking on "Excel" or "Pdf" button respectively. Also, you can print the list by clicking "Print" button.