
Item Compensation

You can also find per item compensation through the system.

Click on "Publiser Compensation" then "Item Compensation" tab in the navigation bar to view compensation received on particular item and other details related to the item.

You can search for the item compensation by entering its details in the search field.

Or, you can click on dropdown icon for advance serach in which you are having more option to filter out list.

Click on "Search" button to search for the result.

Click on "Reset" button to reset the form values.

You can find every item's compensation details in the table.

Click on checkbox of "Check History" to check the history of item compensation.

Once you clicked on checkbox of Check History, "Export" button will be visible to you. Click on to export the file in your system.

Click on checkbox of "Enable Approve/Reject", it will populate checkbox in first column of every row. Click on click of the row which you want to approve or reject.

Also, an option input box will be visible to you where you can select the reason to reject item's compensation.

Once you have checked the checkbox(es), then you can click on "Approve" or "Reject" button to approve/reject all the items at a time.